Let's work together to make great ideas a reality
“Ideas can come from anywhere and anyone – turning those ideas into reality means finding great partners to work with, whether they be individuals or groups.”
Community Development
In partnership with other individuals and groups, Dungog Shire Community Centre helps to build and deliver programs that respond to local issues and needs.
Nourish and Neighbourcare grew out of such partnerships.
Groups we’ve joined with include the schools, Rotary and Lions Clubs, Salvation Army, Samaritans, NeighbourCare and the Chamber of Commerce. Working together, we aim always to enhance well being and bring about local positive change.
Auspicing, Grant Support and Project Alliances
The Community Centre will sometimes auspice projects organised by individuals and groups. Local Living Dungog is one example – they hold those fresh food markets every Saturday morning.
If you have an idea, we can provide guidance, grant writing assistance, letters of support, an insurance umbrella and some marketing assistance. For various reasons, not every group or project can be supported.
grant & project proposal support
Grant & Project Proposal Support allows you to easily identify grant funding opportunities and prepare a successful application. DSCC will do all that we can to help you successfully navigate the challenges of seeking grant funding.