Emergency Support
Call or Visit
In emergency dial 000 for Police, Fire or Ambulance. Lifeline call 13 11 14. You can also contact The Centre for Emergency Financial Support.
Anybody can use our services; all you have to do is contact us.
You can phone, write, email or just drop in.
Dungog Shire Youth Services
103 Dowling Street
Dungog, NSW, 2420
Dungog Shire Community Centre
103 Dowling Street
Dungog, NSW, 2420
Telephone 02 4992 1133
The Dungog Shire Community Centre or DSCC for short
Monday to Friday: 9am – 1pm
Saturday and Sunday: Closed
PO Box 109
Dungog, NSW, 2420
Please click below and a contact us form will pop up: